Category: artistic

Hi all,

I’m guest blogging today about the #writing process and how plotters or pants-sters work. There is no one right way, the right way is what works for you to produce a book.

However, some things to think about…read the article here.

Welcome to Tuesday, all :) This morning I am typing with a bit of a sad heart. Two wonderful artists – Lee Thompson Young, who played a detective on the TV show Rizzoli & Isles, died yesterday. He was 29. Then I wake up and hear that Elmore Leonard, the novelist behind the hits such as Get Shorty, has died at 87. The world is a bit less bright today. Lee Thompson Young seemed to have a bright future ahead of him which is now snuffed out. Elmore Leonard, while in his 80s, continued to write. We will miss any pent-up stories that he was never able to tell. RIP…

Hey all,

I love Mondays. Never thought I would say such heresy-filled words, but today, it’s true. Why? Well, for one, I’ve been recovering from surgery and have felt really, really awful the last 5-7 days, and today I feel great. We take so many things for granted. Feeling good is one of them. So I’m thrilled to go through the day without feeling terrible physically.

Secondly, this is the start of the week-long blog book tour for WATER’S BLOOD! I’m happy and honored to be featured on several blog sites.

Today’s stops include 2 reviews – one for 4 stars and the other for 3 stars.

Check them out here!

Laura’s Review of 4 Stars

Marked By Books Review – 3 Stars

On the 3-star review, she mentioned she wanted to know more back story on the fallen angels. Never fear, this was an intentional decision to withhold some info so more could unfold with each Elemental Book. Look for more short stories and books soon!

I love how Indie artists help each other and spread the word about different works of art. After all, art is our passion. It’s what breathes life into our lives. Many thanks to Christine Bode, marketing gal extraordinaire, for letting me guest blog today! Read the post here. What about all of you? What is something you long to share with someone, spread the word about?

Happy weekend, all! I know, based on tweets and emails from friends, that many of you have snow on the ground right now. And it’s SUPER chilly in the South, a rare thing for this time of year. But the good news is, we can always write indoors or do something fun and creative on the weekend :) I’m guest blogging today about writing and music over at my Twitter friend Keri Neal’s blog. You can read the post here. What type of music do you like when doing tasks, or do you prefer silence?