A Writer's Space

Happy 2012 to everyone! Yes, I’m a bit late in blogging. A woman I met at last October’s ACRA conference (Ancient City Romance Authors, in St. Augustine, FL) is putting a blog together of “writer’s spaces.”

I like this concept. Everyone sets up their desk/area differently, everyone likes having different icons around them when they sit down to create. (Or perhaps, like me, sit down to bang head on desk because I often want to force the muse even though I know better.)

At any rate, check out her blog here: http://vickielking.blogspot.com/p/writing-corners.html

There’s a photo of my writing space, my desk & all my stuffed animals, postcards, icons, totems I keep nearby for inspiration.

If you’re a writer, what types of things do YOU keep in your writing space?

If you’re not a writer, do you like certain things near your desk or where do you often read or work?
