30 Days of Grits - Day 3

Welcome to 30 Days of Grits, Day 3! The countdown is on for NO GRITS, NO GLORY which releases in early October.

Today’s grits recipe is more basic, but you can tweak to your liking:

Good Ole Cheese Grits

1 cup grits; 4 cups water, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 cup melted butter, shredded cheese of your choice

Bring water to a boil in large saucepan, add salt and butter. Once water is boiling, add grits and turn heat down to low. Pour in your favorite cheese of choice. Shredded and orange cheeses work best and can be customized to the flavor you want:

Mexican Cheese Blend, Sharp Cheddar, Pepper Jack, whatever you prefer.

Keep stirring to ensure grits are thickening and water is absorbed. If any extra water remains, add more grits/cheese until mixture is even. Let stay on low heat for 20 minutes. Enjoy!