For those of you who tweet, you might be familiar with Music Monday, or #MM the hashtag, or #MusicMonday. It’s a conversation where people can chat about the music they’re listening to, what they like, dislike, etc. I find that creative types–writers, painters, screenplay writers, and more–either need music when they are creating, or they need absolute silence. Somehow, there seems to be no medium; it’s one or the other. For me, music is a must. I create a soundtrack for each book, sometimes for each character. I wish I could say how the list is created. In actuality, it’s an organic process where some songs just “fit” immediately. Eventually the list is tweaked, then set into its final form. Then it becomes the main thing to listen to while working on a particular book :) Right now, as I write Book Three of The Elemental Clan Series, EARTHBOUND, the main music I am listening to includes the group Imagine Dragons. Particularly the song “Demons” which seems to be ever so fitting. What about you? What types of music do you like for creating, or just driving down the road?

Music, for me, is like a conduit straight into the heart of the muse. Some people like writing or doing other activities in silence. I can’t. Whether it’s driving in the car, writing a book, or doing daily tasks, I need music.

For writing, I create a soundtrack for each book. It’s a mysterious process and I have no idea why some songs work and others don’t. That’s the beauty of music. It works or it doesn’t. In addition to a soundtrack, there is always *that one song* that gets me inspired.

For WATER’S BLOOD, the key song was Furnace Room Lullaby by Neko Case (

For RAGING FIRE, the key song was “Try” by PINK. (

For EARTHBOUND, the key song is “Demons” by Imagine Dragons.

What about y’all? What songs inspire you? Give you energy?