Self-Publishing: Book Promotion and Marketing

Amazon Self-Publishing and Book Promotion

If you’re a self-published author, chances are you want more readers. We all do, and somehow finding more readers and promoting our books is the great and eternal mystery.

How do we get our first 100 readers?

Will anyone else read our work besides our friends and family?

How can we spread the word, rise above the low book sales and learn how to promote our books on Amazon and other vendors?

The Answer?

By focusing our marketing efforts in a spherical way, always trying new and different ways to reach potential readers.

When I took the plunge into self-publishing my books on Amazon and other vendors back in 2013, I didn’t know how to get my first 100 readers. I didn’t even know how to get my first 10 readers.

Sound familiar?

Then you’ve come to the right place. I took the good and bad that I’ve learned over the last several years in self-publishing and created a free email course on book promotion. 

It’s called Marketing for Authors.

In this free course, I explain the steps I took to go from 0 readers to Amazon bestselling author. Here’s what you’ll get in this free course:

  • 7 modules (sent by email over the course of 2 weeks) that go into finding readers, using social media, creating a newsletter and staying in touch with readers, and more.
  • 2 bonuses: a list of all book/author promo Facebook groups you can join AND a listing of book promotion sites where you can list your book for free or for a minor fee. 
  • Open Q&A with me if you have any questions.

Elaine Calloway asking Do you want more readers?

And the best part is? It’s FREE.

Sign up now and start getting more readers.